Thursday, February 19, 2009

Important questions

I don't know about you, but whenever I read something that's missing a question mark, I mentally hear it in a flat monotone, without the all important end of sentence "lift" given by the punctuation. But that's just me, I am rather odd. Anyway, it just really grates. How could they have printed this huge sign without noticing the absence of question marks?

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Smokers of Perth

I'm inclined to think that the writer of this sign didn't know where to place the apostrophe and therefore took the coward's way out and left it out entirely. Let me help you, Bakery. There is unfortunately more than one smoker in Perth. So you can expect many smokers to come to your venue. In that case, place the apostrophe after the 's', as per the rules regarding plural possessives. Gah. Don't they teach grammar in schools anymore?

Incidentally, I think calling the courtyard a smoke free area is a bit rich anyway. Don't they know that smoke floats? It fills the courtyard!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Music and stuff

The offending image in my previous post actually came from this shop. A double-whammy! Chris noticed this howler, while I just blundered into the shop thinking "ooh, CDs" without even looking at the name, as is my way on occasion.

Anyway, even though I hate bad spelling, it's not so bad when it's on a temporary sign. When it's found on the permanent sign above your shop, that's a different matter. And another thing - surely the sign maker should check spelling before going to print? The mind boggles at the incompetency and laziness.